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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Racing with God

I am a Christian. I believe that God created the world and humankind, and when humankind broke their promise with God, God sent His Son Jesus to suffer the punishment so that all can live.

John 3:16 - the Bible verse that separates Christianity from other religions, from other statements of faith, from atheism: "For For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

The Cross has become a powerful symbol for many people. It reminds us of the pain and suffering that Jesus went through so that one day, we can go to a place where there is no pain and suffering.

And for people currently experiencing pain and suffering, they can look to the cross and find comfort and hope.

Some people may say, "Oh...well you're are just using Christianity as a prop to help you feel better."

No, that is not true - Christianity is not a prop. It is not a teddy bear that you pull out of the closet to comfort you when life is sad or scary." Christianity is a's a choice to believe in Someone you cannot see out of faith, and to believe in His words, and that they ring true.

Christianity is a means that through our words and actions, people should be able to distinguish us from others because we choose to love others as God loves them. We think, "What would Jesus do?" rather than, "How can I take advantage of the world?"

Yes, Christianity does bring comfort to those who are you know why? Because God promises to do so. He told us, "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40:31).

I would love to be able to run all day and not grow weary....I would love to be able to be on my feet all day and not get faint...but that is not exactly what Isaiah is talking about here. He tells us that God gives us strength when we seek Him and rely on Him, instead of our own strength. The Hebrew word for "weary" found in Isaiah 40:30, means “exhaustion because of the hardness of life” (Motyer). God promises that we can endure the hardness of life if we hope in Him. So that when we finish the race, we cross the finish line victoriously instead of exhausted.

I am on chemotherapy...this is my fifth month in a row now...chemotherapy depletes the immune system. Although it is different for everyone, my side effects have been appetite loss, general unwell feeling, some nausea, stomach discomfort or pain, weakness, and tiredness.

In spite of chemotherapy and because of my hope in God - I am fighting the good fight, running well on this race, and keeping the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).

What do you put your hope in? You can put your hope in doctors, who say they are trying to do everything they can to help you. You can put your hope in friends, who sometimes don't have enough time for you. Or you can put hope in family, who sometimes disappoint you.

God promises to never let our hope down. Perhaps we don't understand why we are going through certain trials, and we wonder, "Why doesn't God answer our prayers?"

If God is not answering your prayers in the exact way you want Him to, it is because He has a better idea on how to handle your prayer request - for reasons you do not understand right now.

In January of 2011, I prayed to God that I would be accepted to the MSW program for social work in graduate school. I got my acceptance letter, and I thought my prayers were answered. But God had other plans...I got sick again in May, which kept me from moving to attend graduate school. 

I prayed to God that my illness would not return again...that I could be done with it. But in September, I had a severe flare-up that almost caused me permanent brain damage.

But instead of guaranteeing that I would never be sick again, God said, "I have a better plan for you. You will be sick again...and you will have a second round of chemotherapy that will remind you of the days when you were exhausted and heartbroken. And from this third encounter with your illness, you will seek Me and become stronger. For my power is made perfect in weakness. And with your weakness, you will help other people become stronger in theirs."

If it wasn't for my last flare up, I probably would not have started this blog.

What else separates Christians from others? We are happy in our suffering! Although I do have days where I feel down after bad test results from the doctors, deep down, I have joy in my heart. I could spend my days complaining about my symptoms and mourning the loss of a normal life, but because I know Jesus, and because I know that there is a purpose for everything, I choose to always find joy in my circumstances.

"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance" (Romans 5:3).

And when you are tired and weary, and it seems like this world has nothing good left to offer you, remember also this: "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him" (James 1:12).

So why am I a Christian? I am a Christian because I choose to love a God who loves me despite everything I have done. In return for loving Him, He has promised eternity in Paradise. And if you have trouble believing that Jesus "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. It is very simple to read, and explains Christianity in simple terms. Jesus did exist...there is proof outside of the Bible for that. Based on his claims, you can either believe that He was Lord, a lunatic, or liar.

And based on what you believe...imagine that today is your last day on earth. Do you know where you are going afterward? Does your worldview answer important questions such as, "Why am I here on earth? What is the purpose of life?" If you are content with your worldview and your belief system, then let that be so - but don't disregard Christianity. For out of all the belief systems in the world, there can only be one Truth. And if you think you know the Truth...then hope that you are right.

And to all Christians, no matter what your circumstances, no matter where you are in the race of life, and whether you are stumbling, walking, or running, remember:
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12

1 comment:

  1. I love the images just awesome.Great post and great presentation.It is always in sayings that God will come back again in the world.You are right.God


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